Team card



Name PM Linked
Look Bruno de Barros  ChapiewskiBruno de Barros Chapiewski 0
Look Conrado Almeida  OlivaConrado Almeida Oliva 0
Look Felipe Cella  BaseggioFelipe Cella Baseggio 0
Look Gabriel Marinho  Santos PontesGabriel Marinho Santos Pontes 0
Look João Felipe Galbiatti  MuncinelliJoão Felipe Galbiatti Muncinelli 0
Look Pedro Aires  Caetano PereiraPedro Aires Caetano Pereira 0
Look Rafael Guagliardi  SilvaRafael Guagliardi Silva 0
Look Rafael Pougy  Pires do CarmoRafael Pougy Pires do Carmo 0
Look Robson Oliveira  MedeirosRobson Oliveira Medeiros 0
Look Thiago Carvalho Thiago Carvalho 0
Look Tiago Binato  NevesTiago Binato Neves 0
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