Team card



Name PM Linked
Look Adrián García EnríquezAdrián García Enríquez 0
Look Jesús Torcida UrueñaJesús Torcida Urueña 0
Look Serena Rodríguez RamosSerena Rodríguez Ramos 0
Look Juan David Ospina PinoJuan David Ospina Pino 0
Look Jose Manuel Contreras MenesesJose Manuel Contreras Meneses 0
Look Aitor Bejarano ArbeláezAitor Bejarano Arbeláez 0
Look Jaime Sabariegos CabreraJaime Sabariegos Cabrera 0
Look Pedro Alexandro Morcillo BurloiuPedro Alexandro Morcillo Burloiu 0
Look Hemry Martínez GonzálezHemry Martínez González 0
Look Daniel Vara CorralDaniel Vara Corral 0
Look Sebastian Torres VargasSebastian Torres Vargas 0
Look Willem CavallaroWillem Cavallaro 0
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