Calendar of VIII Liga Andaluza de Fútbol Flag


Jornada 2B - Corsairs 03/10/24 – 03/10/24

Team Date Periods Result
Look Córdoba BullsCórdoba Bulls Fuengirola OutlawsFuengirola Outlaws Sun, 03/10/2024 10:00 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL 653027626 Sun, 03/10/2024 10:00 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL
Look Málaga Corsairs FemeninoMálaga Corsairs Femenino Málaga Corsairs OpenMálaga Corsairs Open Sun, 03/10/2024 10:00 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL 632618014 Sun, 03/10/2024 10:00 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL
Look Málaga Corsairs OpenMálaga Corsairs Open Córdoba BullsCórdoba Bulls Sun, 03/10/2024 11:10 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL 460270190 Sun, 03/10/2024 11:10 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL
Look Montilla CircusMontilla Circus Málaga Corsairs FemeninoMálaga Corsairs Femenino Sun, 03/10/2024 11:10 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL 396266130 Sun, 03/10/2024 11:10 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL
Look Fuengirola OutlawsFuengirola Outlaws Legends of LionsLegends of Lions Sun, 03/10/2024 12:20 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL 02702007 Sun, 03/10/2024 12:20 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL
Look Granada PhoenixGranada Phoenix Fuengirola PotrosFuengirola Potros Sun, 03/10/2024 12:20 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL 410280130 Sun, 03/10/2024 12:20 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL
Look Legends of LionsLegends of Lions Granada PhoenixGranada Phoenix Sun, 03/10/2024 13:30 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL 20070130 Sun, 03/10/2024 13:30 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL
Look Montilla CircusMontilla Circus Fuengirola PotrosFuengirola Potros Sun, 03/10/2024 13:30 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL 467340127 Sun, 03/10/2024 13:30 GMT+1 Football field JUVAL
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