Team card



Name PM Linked
Look sergio gay llamassergio gay llamas 0
Look loui palou herlandssonloui palou herlandsson 0
Look loui palou herlandssonloui palou herlandsson 0
Look miguel angel ruesgas franciscomiguel angel ruesgas francisco 0
Look blai calveras ferretjanblai calveras ferretjan 0
Look javier rus gonzalezjavier rus gonzalez 0
Look javier pascual latorrejavier pascual latorre 0
Look francisco javier noguer burgosfrancisco javier noguer burgos 0
Look daniel salom villafuertedaniel salom villafuerte 0
Look andres colom ferreresandres colom ferreres 0
Look joel huertas martinezjoel huertas martinez 0
Look jaime cespedes morenojaime cespedes moreno 0
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