Informação de Windjammers League


Windjammers League
Video game

Dias de jogo

Dias de jogo
Terça e Quinta




1. Each player can select any character at any match. This means, player can play with any of the available characters each match.

2. Each player MUST have a stadium assigned (of its own choice), in order to play matches where the player is local. This stadium will be kept for the whole league.


1. Each match will consist in a 90 seconds game, when local player will be placed in Player 1 controller, while visitor player will be placed in Player 2 controller.

2. The match winner will be granted 2 points.

3. If sudden death happens and the final result is tie, the match will be repeated.


1. Calendar is randomly generated through LEVERADE, and the matches will happen between 14:30 and 15:00.

2. Match days will be MONDAY and THURSDAY, playing two journeys in a week.


1. The final calendar is publicly available, so each player is RESPONSIBLE of communicating any required postponement.

2. If a postponement is accepted, the two involved players MUST agree for a date to play the match. The match result will be placed in the postposed journey.


1. In case a misbehavior is detected in the arcade machine, it must be as soon as possible communicated to our machine hero: Jaume Boniquet. From the organization, we thank a lot Jaume for his offering to keep the machine in optimal status.



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