Name | Quantity |
Look Goals | 43 |
Look Goals penalty | 8 |
Look Goals on shootout in 5th period | 1 |
Look Yellow cards | 0 |
Look Red cards | 0 |
Look 20-second expulsions | 10 |
Look Permanent expulsions, with disciplinary substitution | 0 |
Look Permanent expulsions for brutality, with substitution after 4 minutes | 0 |
Look Permanent expulsions, with non-disciplinary substitution | 0 |
Look Expulsions and penalty | 0 |
Look Penalty fouls | 3 |
Look Failed penalties | 2 |
Look Others | 0 |
Look Time-outs | 0 |
Look Fair play | 0 |
Look Played matches | 26 |
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