Calendar of 22/23 Primera División Femenina


Jornada 5 11/18/22

Team Video Date Periods Result
Look C.N. MOLINS DE REI SINTAGMIAC.N. MOLINS DE REI SINTAGMIA C.N. VALLIRANAC.N. VALLIRANA Sat, 11/19/2022 12:00 GMT+1 C.N. Molins de Rei 11102312113143 Sat, 11/19/2022 12:00 GMT+1 C.N. Molins de Rei
Look C.W. DOS HERMANASC.W. DOS HERMANAS C.D. WATERPOLO IRUÑA 98 02C.D. WATERPOLO IRUÑA 98 02 Sat, 11/19/2022 15:30 GMT+1 C.M.A.D. Manuel López Cohen 13191156245800 Sat, 11/19/2022 15:30 GMT+1 C.M.A.D. Manuel López Cohen
Look COLEGIO BRAINSCOLEGIO BRAINS A.R. CONCEPCION CIUDAD LINEALA.R. CONCEPCION CIUDAD LINEAL Sat, 11/19/2022 16:00 GMT+1 Colegio Brains Alcobendas 11153542351300 Sat, 11/19/2022 16:00 GMT+1 Colegio Brains Alcobendas
Look C.N. CUATRO CAMINOSC.N. CUATRO CAMINOS CLUB WATERPOLO ELXCLUB WATERPOLO ELX Sat, 11/19/2022 18:30 GMT+1 Piscina M-86, Madrid 1162122413200 Sat, 11/19/2022 18:30 GMT+1 Piscina M-86, Madrid
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